Friday, April 8, 2011

Time for a Giggle...

My husband and I were laughing last night, recalling the events of the day with the boys that were stressful and thinking about how funny the events were "after the fact".

It all started when my mom asked him, "What's that black blob on the bottom of your foot?" His reply, "It's marker..." And then the story.

We really should be writing them down. Not only for the boys to be able to look back and laugh, but for us, to remind us that even when we're earning grey hairs, God always seems to make it ok in the end. Even as much as to make the event comical.

My husband tells us, "As Mommy was upstairs doing laundry, I decided to get the kids dinner started. They sat at the table and were coloring, I had given them some chocolate milk and crackers to tide them over, the baby was in his high chair... all was well with the world. Then Lammy asked for more chocolate milk, and I gave him another glass full.  As I turned my back, he placed a marker in his cup. Lam then decided it needed to come out, and since his hand didn't fit in the glass, he chose to "dump" out the marker - and all the chocolate milk with it. It was everywhere. And I almost called Mommy down because their dinner was on the stove and a LARGE quantity of milk was all over the kitchen, but I decided that if she could do this all day, I'd better buck up and handle 10 minutes of it..."

So mom asks, "And, how did the black marker end up on your foot?"

"Well, when I was under the table mopping up all the sticky milk, Lam was coloring on the bottom of my foot..."

Then I tell him about my ridiculous trip to the grocery store. Baby was asleep, but I REALLY had to use the bathroom, so we were going in.

With a sleeping baby in arms, I drug #2 and Lam with me into the large stall. The whole time I was trying to do what I needed to do, with one arm, Lam was lifting his foot up to flush the toilet, missing and getting caught in the little garbage can below (thank the Lord it was empty). This is a normal toilet btw, but he didn't care. #2 was in his very intense, talkative mood as he was putting a sticker on the wall. "Mom, mom, mom, moooommmmmmm! Look I put Blues Clues on the wall mom! Look mom!!! I'm going to leave it there!" "Don't put a sticker there, they don't want stickers on the wall. Please take it off." "But mmmoooommmm!!! It's on the wall, and it's Blues Clues, and I got it from the bank, and it's blue, and Thomas is blue, and Percy is green, and my name is..."

"LAMMY! Don't open the door! #2, don't climb under the door. DON'T! It's disgusting under there... DON'T CLIMB UNDE... thank you."

Somehow we managed to get out of there unscathed. And then we went shopping. Baby is still asleep and my arm is cramping. The other two were on and off the side of the cart, grabbing at whatever looked interesting. People are giving me that "she's an insane woman to have all these kids and not be able to control them" look.

Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about...

And so, with one arm to push the cart, shop, and corral the kids, I go bag up several chickens, roundsteak, and some ground beef. Dummy me chooses to walk by Floral, where they intentionally place small balloons, vases, and potted plants down low, hoping your child will walk up and damage one.

Only 2 checkstands open and the line is long triggers the thought, "I'll just use the self check".

Have you ever tried to scan meat through a bag with one arm? Yeah, it's pretty much not possible.

Try doing it when one child is wandering off and one's slamming the shopping cart purposefully into another shopper.

And then this guy wants us to sign a petition on our way out the door.

Things like this happen ALL THE TIME. And it really does make me laugh when I think about it afterward. It's like the reward He gives us for the events we endure.

What's your funny story for the day???

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