Monday, June 21, 2010

Fun and Function! What a great company!

I just happened to stumble across a company that sells play equipment and therapy devices for children with special needs.  And if you've been following my blog at all, you know I haven't really endorsed any company... until today.  Their name is FUN AND FUNCTION.  They have a page on Facebook (see, spending time on Facebook CAN be beneficial!)  So of course I had to sign up for a free catalog to really see what these people are all about.


I'm really impressed.  These toys and therapy devices are professional.  Prices are a little higher than your average daily toy, but I assume it has to do with quality.  This is the kind of stuff your OT would purchase to use one on one or in a classroom setting.  Sensory, gross and fine motor, oral therapy, nutrition, self help, perception and language.  Please, please, please check it out.  The catalog was FREE, my favorite price, and I can't tell you how excited I am to have this as a resource.

I prefered the catalog to the website, but you can find it here:

Order the catalog here:

Follow them on Facebook!

Update 6/23
I also just found this site.  Less special needs toys, but still some neat stuff!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I love your blog. I have a couple of friends who have children with Autism and I am going to email them a link to your site. This is such a great gift to the Autism community and I am sure without a doubt worth all of the work you put into it.
    I am looking forward to getting to know you and your family better.
    Love katrina


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